Friday, November 22, 2013

cleaning house..still

I know that sounds kind of redundant but we have been slowly cleaning out and redoing stuff for like 2 and a half months. What I have found is that we as people tend to hang on to things...for no reason. We went thru the game closet the other day and got ride of like 5 games and a bunch of puzzles. We never play them and the puzzles...well right now we just don't have the patience to put together a 500 piece or more puzzle. My daughter kept a couple of them to do later...but...the moral of the story is too much is too much.  I plan to work on the next closet this weekend....the hall closet with all the Christmas wrapping paper and bags in it. This ought to be fun...not.
I have learned something else too...if you go to clean up, clean up what you have already cleaned up first and then tackle something new so the stuff that was clean stays clean. I am trying to apply this at my work office too...which is presently better, but I have a work room that will need mega work.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving....we have so much to be thankful for...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

cleaning house

It is amazing how much junk you accumulate. Seriously. Clutter is not my friend. I bagged up two bags of stuff to go to Goodwill this morning. And I seriously think it will take me 6 more months of throwing stuff away to get rid of it all....argh!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Sensei Takashina passed away last week. I was out of town when I heard the news. I will miss seeing him. He was a good teacher. I am proud to see his name on my belt. I am proud to have trained with him. He was a very interesting man. It is hard to put into words what he meant to others. But to me I will always remember his joy in seeing people perform well. He loved kids and it was great to watch how much he enjoyed working with them.
His memorial service is the 28th of Sept in Ft. Lauderdale.  I doubt I will be able to go, but I signed his memorial page.
I wish much peace and comfort to his family, friends and fellow karatika at this time.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

State Swim meet

Well Thad did well at the state swim meet. He came in 8th in 100 IM for 11-12 boys...which is not too shabby. We were talking about what he needs to work on and he is determined to improve. I am proud of him and all the others for doing well. We had a number of kids place at district. Three including Thad placed at state.  I enjoyed seeing him do well...and look forward to seeing him do more in the future.

Monday, July 1, 2013

2013 ATAC LC Swim meet...

Spent this last weekend helping run the 2013 ATAC LC swim meet in Tallahassee, Fl. Had a great time working with a good group of officials. Had 400 kids in the waters swimming. Had some rain delays...but overall things went smoothly. Hope to work it again next year...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Blackbelt party!

The folks at work threw a little office party for me for receiving my black belt. I was totaly taken back and I thank them all for it....the cake was just cool.

Was asked yesterday what I thought about "the black belt". I told them that it weights on you. You are now an example. You are the one they are going to watch. You have to lead. You have big shoes to fill. You must keep your ego in check. In other words it is a lot of work. The darker the belt..the more humble the karateka.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Black Belt!

Well, I got the results of the testing and I passed! Am now officially a But seriously this is just the begining. I had someone ask me what I was going to do now that I had my black belt...I said continue learning. A black belt signifies that you have the ability to learn and now are ready to do more work learning the art of karate. It is a life long journey that most folks who start out in karate never even get close to...why? Well if it was easy anybody would do it. It takes many hours of practice and sweat to get there. Would I do it again..yes...that is why I am going to continue.

Congratulations to all the others who tested...we had 3 other for Shodan and 2 for Nidan. Time to get back to the dojo and learn some more good stuff. My next 2 to 3 years be ready to test for 4 kata to learn and more perfecting of all the rest of the stuff to work on. That may not sound like much for 3 years...but it is.

My wife said I looked like I was concentrating....I was.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Karate is a way of life....seriously

The other week I went to Coral Springs, Fl to the South Atlantic Karate (SAKA) Summer Camp. This was the 38th camp they have held there. We missed having our chief instructor Sensie Takashina there, but Arizona Karate chief instructor Sensei Koyama did a wonderful job as guest instructor for the camp. He emphasized that Karate was not just for defense, but was for life...a way of life.  He pointed out the health benefits of karate, which are numerous...but also the spiritual/mental benefits. The development of a sound mind and body thus can lead to a long healthy life. He challenged us to seek to follow the dojo kun and exercise/physical development of karate to help us maintain ourselves.

-seek perfection of character
-be faithful
-respect others
-refrain from violent behavior

I enjoyed my time at the camp and agree that karate is a lifelong journey. You don't just get a black belt and continue on training... Sensei Takashina made a comment at a camp I went to several years ago. He said life is like a swan dive...the object of karate is to make it into a glide. Makes sence.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

sho dan test...Coral Springs

Well went to Coral Springs for the 38th South Atlantic Karate camp. Sensie Takashina was not there. He is still not feeling well...missed seeing him. Sensie Koyama was there from Arizona. I enjoyed his teaching and we all had a really fun time. Camp lasted Friday thru Sunday. Sunday I tested Sho Dan. I do not know the results of the test yet...but I felt I had a good test. If I passed great...if I didn't then I will go back and test again at the next camp. Either way I have learned a great deal about myself and karate over the last couple of years. I plan to keep it up at any rate....seeking to learn more about myself and the art.

Swim season is apon us.....summer time is between karate, swimming and church..I believe I will be plenty busy.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Well we must wait again....

In Novemeber I posted that I was going to wait to test for black belt till febuary....well i will have to wait again. Sensei is in the hospital and even though he is doing better he probably won't be doing any testing at the febuary camp in Tampa. So I guess I will wait till May and test in Coral Spring. Only disheartening thing is I will miss out annual Memorial day fishing trip...or at least most of it. I will miss my guys...but you got to do what has to be done.

I am confident that all things happen for a reason. There is a reason I am missing this chance to test...I do get to go to the Father Daughter dance with my girl. And if I get to at least go spend one day with my guys...yeah it will be ok. There is a reason....I just don't know what it is yet. But I am confident that all things will work out in the end.