Friday, November 22, 2013

cleaning house..still

I know that sounds kind of redundant but we have been slowly cleaning out and redoing stuff for like 2 and a half months. What I have found is that we as people tend to hang on to things...for no reason. We went thru the game closet the other day and got ride of like 5 games and a bunch of puzzles. We never play them and the puzzles...well right now we just don't have the patience to put together a 500 piece or more puzzle. My daughter kept a couple of them to do later...but...the moral of the story is too much is too much.  I plan to work on the next closet this weekend....the hall closet with all the Christmas wrapping paper and bags in it. This ought to be fun...not.
I have learned something else too...if you go to clean up, clean up what you have already cleaned up first and then tackle something new so the stuff that was clean stays clean. I am trying to apply this at my work office too...which is presently better, but I have a work room that will need mega work.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving....we have so much to be thankful for...

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