Wednesday, May 29, 2013

sho dan test...Coral Springs

Well went to Coral Springs for the 38th South Atlantic Karate camp. Sensie Takashina was not there. He is still not feeling well...missed seeing him. Sensie Koyama was there from Arizona. I enjoyed his teaching and we all had a really fun time. Camp lasted Friday thru Sunday. Sunday I tested Sho Dan. I do not know the results of the test yet...but I felt I had a good test. If I passed great...if I didn't then I will go back and test again at the next camp. Either way I have learned a great deal about myself and karate over the last couple of years. I plan to keep it up at any rate....seeking to learn more about myself and the art.

Swim season is apon us.....summer time is between karate, swimming and church..I believe I will be plenty busy.