Tuesday, November 13, 2012

more training....

More training. I decided, after a talk with my Sensi that I would wait till Feb 13 to test for my black belt. So many new things I am learning and fixing...the little things...those are the things that make the difference. Did compete in a tourney while at camp. Got 3rd in kata and 3rd in sparing in my age group. Fun stuff...had fun..learned a lot. Now back to more training. Want to make all my other karate friends proud when I do test...we shall see....

Friday, September 28, 2012

It is friday

Friday is a good thing. I have to work a swim meet tomorrow in Talley. My son is doing a local karate contest at the Y tomorrow...wish I was gonna be there to compete too.
Have been training a good bit...hope to be ready to test for black belt in November. Training is hard. The more you work on things the more you criticise yourself. The more you criticise yourself the more you doubt yourself. But then you have a breakthrough and you feel good about what you are doing. I am stuck at that in between phase right now. Nit picking myself to death I guess. But I am determined NOT to give up.

Wife is still dieting...down 59 pounds.  She hasn't been feeling well last couple of weeks...so she has plataued a little. Hope she can get these last few pounds off soon. Proud of her.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

diet...summer is over

Well, wife is down 57 pounds now...yeah! Slowly making it towards her goal. Am proud of her.

Summer is officially over I guess...still close to 100 degrees here though. Bow season coming it. High school football is cranking up. We went to the beach last weekend....water was warm...kinda cloudy due to the resent hurricane...but beach was nice. Was great to get away for a weekend.

Still training away at karate. Trying to convince myself that I will be ready for the BB test in November. Some days it is hard. You work on things and think...did I accomplish anything? I hope so.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Karate now at YMCA....Diet...and more

Well Bainbridge Karate Club has now moved to the YMCA. Three classes Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 8:30ish. Come out and train with us....Karate is good for you.
Wife is now down 51 pounds. That gets her two pounds closer to her goal in two weeks...and the week is just gettting started. I am proud of her doing her best at it.

We are doing a new sermon series at Grace called Marriage Matters.....join us.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday and more...

Today has been a Monday...well last Thursday should count too since I slammed my fingers in the door that day. The weekend was good though. State Swim meet, Trip by kids and wife to Wild Adventures, Trip Sunday to Mexico Beach. Need to go home and cut grass and train karate. Wife is down 49 pounds last Thursday. Not home this weekend to weigh...hope she has broken the 50 pound hurdle....that would be exciting. ONLY about 20 more to go. Proud of her and all she has done.
New song to work on later too..more later on that...
Overall a good weekend and a good start to a new one.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Training..and more

I have about resigned that I will be testing for black belt in November instead of August....I am just not mentally ready. As saddening as this may seem I wish to do my best and succeed...not to hear the dreaded "come back in 6 months". I have begun to make some physical changes to improve my health and endurance. I am hoping I can build that up and maintain by health over the course of training and afterwards. My back is still not 100%....so I have to watch it.  I will just keep plugging along and polishing my skills.

On another note. The wife is still on her diet....she is down 46 pounds...She has 21 more pounds to go to meet her goal...26 to be where she really wants to be. I keep praying she will make it before the end of the year like she wants to.

My mom goes today for consultation on her heart surgery. She will be having either a fix or a valve done next month sometime. We will know today what her prognosis is...Praying for that too.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

kata and patience

I have been training daily to prepare for my next testing. The more I train the more I realize patience is more than a viture...it is a necessity. Karate is an art that requires your body to be able to do things consistanly the same, much like a golf swing. The only way to do this is repetition...at least for me anyways. Sometimes I find myself thinking I will get bored with such things as doing a kata every day. But the honest answer is no...I always find something I can correct....which is why you practice. Maybe I am learning even though it seems like I am not at times.
We shall see...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Diet continued....

Wife is still doing great...she is on maintenance cycle of her diet. She is down 42 pounds! Am so proud of her and her persistence. On another note...Happy Memorial day! Thank you for veterans for your sacrifices so that we can remain free.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wife and the Diet

Well my wife is on a diet...has lost 24 pounds so far. This morning I made her a piece of grilled chicken and a salad. I don't mind cooking for her. I hope she makes her goal.....we shall see.....to lose is to gain in this instance....

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Spuds

Well we created a short movie with the potatoe....Luke went on an adventure and ended up getting spattered all over the place....to much glee from my son. He is planning on coming up with more movie stuff to film...so I will try and get it finished and uploaded to YouTube sooner or later.
Enough of that....
Went and worked the swim meet in Talley last  weekend. Wish we had a swim coach here again...since the old one is now gone. My son is agrivated about the whole issue....he just wants to swim...not put up with junk. Lesson to be learned here: Know the folks you are going to have coach for you well enough to know their character....just saying.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spud Vision...

My son created a potato Luke Skywalker for a book project. We have been debating what to do with him...we came up with an idea. We will film a potato movie with him ...of course being me it will involve voice overs, music and yes the potato will meet an untimely end. May be a week or two before I get the movie finished...but we start "shooting" today.....literally..... it ought to be entertaining to say the least...
My wife says we need to do a bunch of them and start a channel...Spud Vision or Spud Theater or something...idk...but my kids will have fun with it.