Tuesday, April 14, 2009

in the mood for spicy food...

I have been on a spicy food kick lately. Don't know why. Have always loved hot and spicy food and am finding myself enjoying it more and more. It makes you feel "lively". My guess is that it encourages circulation and other good things.
Got hold of some Kettle Cooked XXX Habinaro chips the other day that were awesome. Not a chip for the faint of heart either. Not a chip to just sit down and eat with a coke...you gotta have food to appreciate it. The heat is way intense, with good flavor. Add a sandwich on top of it and you have a wonderful combination. Without food the heat gets to the point of numbing your taste buds. Habianros have a tendency to do that, which is why my favorite pepper is the scotch bonnet...in the same family but with less heat and more of a chili flavor.
So I am off to find more great heat.....you might hear about it here!

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