Tuesday, June 3, 2008

june is here and i can't believe it

It just doesn't seem right for June to be here already. Could someone please make the year slow down...I don't want to start Christmas shopping yet!
Seriously though, it does seem to fly by. My grandma is turning 93 on the 11th. Thad turn 8 in July. Christie turn 4 in August...that just don't seem right.

Parents are down now keeping the kids while Di does summer school. Dad is building a new swingset for the kids. All wood and very heavy...don't think Thad can flip it.

Still waiting on tranny number two so i can figure out the dimensions of fiberglass board to order for my 18 watter....(see post 1 on the 18 watter). Hope it comes in today and I can place my order for board, turrets and standoffs. We shall see what the postman brings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know, right? Today is Frank's 41st. Shoot him an email and wish him the best. :-)

Congrats on the new blog, btw.